10 Signs Your Relationship Is Built to Last: Not Just a Fluke, But a Future!



We've all been in relationships that didn't quite make the cut, but what sets apart the ones that do? The truth is, there's no secret formula to a perfect relationship, but there are certain signs that show a relationship is built to last. So, if you're in a relationship and wondering if it's worth holding onto, or if you're single and searching for something real, keep reading! We've compiled a list of 10 signs that your relationship is built to last, and they might just surprise you.


  1. Communication is Key
  2. Trust is the Foundation
  3. You're Best Friends
  4. You Respect Each Other
  5. You're Willing to Compromise
  6. You're Able to Be Vulnerable
  7. You're Supportive of Each Other's Goals
  8. You're Comfortable Being Apart
  9. You Have Similar Values and Goals
  10. You Make Each Other Laugh


  1. Communication is Key
  • You both actively listen to each other
  • You're able to discuss difficult topics without arguing
  • You feel comfortable sharing your feelings and thoughts with each other
  1. Trust is the Foundation
  • You don't feel the need to constantly check up on each other
  • You trust each other to be faithful and honest
  • You feel safe and secure in the relationship
  1. You're Best Friends
  • You genuinely enjoy spending time together
  • You have fun doing even mundane things together
  • You know each other's quirks and embrace them
  1. You Respect Each Other
  • You value each other's opinions and thoughts
  • You don't put each other down or belittle each other
  • You treat each other with kindness and consideration
  1. You're Willing to Compromise
  • You're able to find a middle ground when making decisions
  • You're both willing to make sacrifices for the other's happiness
  • You can agree to disagree without it turning into a fight
  1. You're Able to Be Vulnerable
  • You feel comfortable opening up about your fears and insecurities
  • You don't feel judged or criticized when sharing personal details
  • You support each other through difficult times
  1. You're Supportive of Each Other's Goals
  • You encourage each other to pursue your passions
  • You help each other achieve your goals
  • You celebrate each other's successes
  1. You're Comfortable Being Apart
  • You don't feel anxious or worried when spending time apart
  • You trust each other to be faithful even when not together
  • You have your own hobbies and interests outside of the relationship
  1. You Have Similar Values and Goals
  • You share the same beliefs and values on important topics
  • You have similar future goals for yourselves and the relationship
  • You're on the same page about where the relationship is headed
  1. You Make Each Other Laugh
  • You enjoy each other's company and have fun together
  • You share a similar sense of humor
  • You're able to lighten each other's moods and bring joy to the relationship


Q: What if my relationship doesn't have all 10 signs? A: No relationship is perfect, but having most of these signs can indicate a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Q: Can a relationship built on physical attraction last? A: While physical attraction is important, it's not enough to sustain a long-term relationship

Q: What if my partner doesn't make me laugh? A: Well, if your partner doesn't make you laugh, you might want to invest in a good joke book or comedy show. But in all seriousness, laughter is important in any relationship, but it's not the end-all-be-all. If you have other signs that your relationship is built to last, then a lack of humor might not be a deal breaker.

Q: My partner and I have different goals for the future, does that mean our relationship is doomed? A: Not necessarily. It's important to have some shared goals and values, but it's also okay to have some differences. The key is to communicate and find a way to compromise and support each other's individual aspirations. It's all about finding the balance that works for you as a couple.

Q: What if we argue a lot, but still have some of the other signs on the list? A: While arguing isn't ideal, it's important to remember that conflict is a natural part of any relationship. What's important is how you handle those arguments. If you're able to communicate respectfully and find solutions, then having some disagreements might not be a deal breaker.

Q: Can a long-distance relationship have all of these signs? A: Absolutely! Distance doesn't have to be a barrier to having a strong and lasting relationship. In fact, being apart can even strengthen some of these signs, such as trust and communication. As long as you're both committed to making it work and putting in the effort, a long-distance relationship can definitely have all of these signs.

Q: What if my partner and I don't share the same hobbies or interests? A: That's okay! It's healthy to have some individual interests and hobbies outside of the relationship. However, it's important to also find some common ground and activities that you both enjoy doing together. The key is to find a balance between individuality and shared experiences.

So, there you have it, 10 signs that your relationship is built to last. While there's no guarantee that a relationship will last forever, these signs can definitely increase your chances. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just starting out, it's important to keep these signs in mind as a guide to building a healthy and lasting connection with your partner. Remember, no relationship is perfect, but with communication, trust, respect, and laughter, you can create a relationship that stands the test of time. And if all else fails, just remember to bring home some flowers, chocolates, and a good sense of humor, because laughter really is the best medicine, even for relationships!

So, are you seeing any of these signs in your relationship? Let us know in the comments below!

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